Saturday, August 20, 2011

Darling Doodles: Giveaway- MiaMoo Necklace

This blog is giving away a necklace from MiaMoo! I really want the circus one for Stellah D's first birthday!
Darling Doodles: Giveaway- MiaMoo Necklace: I am beyond excited to have a MiaMoo necklace for my first Giveaway! MiaMoo is the place to go if you are looking for adorableness! He...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

2010 Outtakes

Memorable moments of 2010 included going to Szalay's in the summer for fresh fruit and corn

Baby working on his rocket for Boy Scouts
Baby shooting his first bee-bee gun at his first camping outing

Jack and his rocket-The boys both did their rockets all on their own and it showed!

My Jack-O-Lantern...his creation is the one on hte right. It even had stitches.

Mah~Mah and her carving skills were put to test in the pumpkin carving contest

Baby was done first and made one with fangs

My two Angels, literally, played on the same team again this year and did GRRR-EAT!

Baby graduated from Kindergarten. I went to Redeemer with his teacher, Mrs. Grulke

We visited the Lincoln exhibit at the GAR museum. Very informational and Fun!

Madison actually had a beautiful school picture...I will cherish this one!

No one can call him a Kindergarten Baby anymore, just Baby will do fine!

Jackson was chosen as QB for his football team. He scored several touchdowns on quarterback keepers. They only lost one game all season!

At school, they did a 50s themed program, Baby is dressed here lookin like the Fonze!

Jack got lots of awards at this year's Blue and Gold ceremony

I turned 32 and had a great evening out with friends at the Spaghetti Warehouse followed by the Barley House in downtown Akron. Several friends and I even took a rickshaw ride down Main St. It was a great night because of the great company!

Christmas Day at Jessa's

Delaney and the Hanger of the Moon shown above
Girls Rule and Boys Drool

Okay, not THIS boy! Apparently, he IS tiresome to Delaney, though.

Ma and Delaney

Delaney and Mommy

Christmas Snuggles

Technically, Charlie and I haven't exchanged gifts the last couple years, but who needs gifts when you have one of these?

The Breakfast of Champions!

After the wrapping paper was torn and ribbons strewn everywhere, Madison put her gift to use by making us Texas French Toast. It was d-lish-us!

Zoose the Moose on the Loose

Christmas wouldn't be complete without a gift for Zoose. He's been struggling a little in his old age, 6, so we got him some treats that were for hips and joints. He devoured six and passed out near the bag, guarding it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

So This is Christmas

The kids got snowman poop in their stockings...Baby was not very fond of this gift to say the least

Delaney and her loot

Delaney and her gift from Jackson

This is when I asked Daddy who the laptop was Really for...

Madison got Delaney her first jewelry...a reindeer ring!

We got Delaney the book, Tickle Monster, by Josie Bissett. It comes with tickling gloves! Growing up, I wish Shannon had tickling gloves. Perhaps I wouldn't have lost so much blood!

Even sleeping, the gloves appear to draw a smirk to Delaney's face. I can't wait to really try 'em out on her...and everyone!

Victoria's Secret Robe for Maddy

Shuffles for the boys with some songs already downloaded, like the Gummy Bear song and some Phineas and Ferb holiday songs.