Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Hughes' Aftermath

We had a pretty good year.
We went to the beach minus a Charlie, still had a great time. We plan to go next summer for TWO weeks, one of which the missing Charlie will be able to attend. So we're stoked.

Charlie started out at Enterprise, which he loves. I must admit that I love it too. I like seeing him happy and working with pretty great people. The company is awesome to its employees and that is GREAT and welcomed always. He also celebrated his 30th with a surprise Toga Party.

Charlie also started bowling on Wednesday nights with Brandon, Dave, Bobby, and Joe, one of Brandon's friends. He enjoys his guy time and me and the kids enjoy our time together at home too. That is the only evening during the week that I get to spend at home with them, so we treasure it and try to do some fun things...or nothing at all, which is pretty fun too.

Madison is in the fifth grade and just turned 10 in December. She loves school and just got straight A's. In fact, the school sent in her name and report card to a program the Cleveland Cavaliers run for straight A students and her name was drawn to receive two tickets to a game, a t-shirt, a bookcover, and certificate. She is to wear the shirt to the game so the team can recognize all the straight A students in attendance. She is the luckiest girl I have ever met. The game is the day after her first ever concert, Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. I'm excited about that because I actually like a couple of each of their songs.

Jackson is 6 and started school with Madison at Redeemer this year in Kindergarten. He is doing great and is the only child to remain on green all year so far. He played soccer again this year and scored a lot of goals for his team this year. He also tried bacon, eggs, and toast for the first time at Ma's the other day. He liked the bacon and toast, but was quite disgusted by the texture of the scrambled eggs. He is OUR picky eater.

Baby just turned four in December and is adorable. Everywhere we go people tell us how cute he is and that we should put him in modeling. He is still whining as usual. He has a great friend at preschool named Brandon. He also got his kitty this year, Vanilla Cat Pachino, which he pronounces Nella or sometimes Yella, and we love it.

I am still doing the Independent Provider thing with hopes to quit the business every waking minute of every day. I did start coaching for Madison's basketball team and I love it. I love getting to know her friends on that level and spending quality time with her. Another father is helping too, so that is nice that some of the pressure is taken off. We scrimmaged the other day and I must admit, I miss playing basketball. I wish I knew a group of girls that liked to play because I'd definitely do it. It's funny how exercise doesn't feel like exercise when you are doing something you enjoy. That must be the way to go...because I despise that eliptical devil in the back room.

I've been trying to learn a little more about myself this year through introspection. I haven't liked everything I've learned but I think in the end it will really help me be the best me. At least that is my hope anyway.

I had a new nephew added to the fam in April, named Ian and that was great. I love to see the family grow. He lives in Mexico so we haven't even met him yet, but are set to this coming summer when they are scheduled to visit.

I have a new nephew on the way, which is also very exciting. Like everyone out there, I love me some babies. We are still trying to decide if we are complete a family or would like to add on, not anytime soon though. For now, I'm just excited to be around Jessica's little boy when he arrives. Charlie is hopeful that he will fulfill my need to have more. I think I'm a little hopeful myself too.

My cousin Scottie's death was unexpected and definitely one of the more difficult things I faced this year. I always felt close to him as we were the same age and spent a lot of our childhood and even adolescence together. I will definitely miss his contagious smile, laughter, and mischievous tone in his voice. His death of course reminds me of my brother, Larry's, which will always be difficult to truly grasp. I had great memories with both and that's not what we miss. The saddest times are when you realize the memories you are missing out on creating with the individuals that have passed. That will always be rough. Death seems to force one, or atleast me, to really think about life and what is and isn't important. So good does come from it even though it often seems unimaginable. I am comforted feeling that they are together with other loved ones that have passed before them, and in knowing that someday we will all be together again.

A Blog for Shannon

Merry Christmas!

This year was quite enjoyable and not a tear was shed...by me anyway. I can't say the same for Madison. She must have caught the crybaby blues from me.

We gave the kids 2 pair of jammies on Christmas Eve, which is a tradition we stole from Shannon years ago. The kids loved theres.

Charlie and I started a new tradition. We decided to exchange a gift with each other after all the kids were in bed and all the wrapping was done. It was very nice, and kind of romantic in a way. I hope to continue that in years to come. Sometimes with all the kids' excitement, we forget to take a minute to enjoy sharing with each other too, like before the kids were in the picture.

Went to mom's and ate and opened presents. Oh, and I also had to work. It wasn't so bad. It's actually nice when Charlie is home to watch the kids. I don't feel the normal need to rush and get out of there. Later we went to Mike and Brandi's and exchanged gifts with their kids. That was also nice. The kids love playing with Tyler because he has so many new and different toys. They adore Jayden too, but Jayden isn't much of a player yet. After that we went back to mom's for a little, gathered up the loot and scadaddled.

I can't wait to take down the tree and decorations and start making some resolutions for the new year. I've tried to put off doing so this year until after Christmas...and I like that. I am a master procrastinator anyway normally, so waiting wasn't so hard. I did make a few mental notes here and there.

We all got wonderful gifts and feel we gave wonderful gifts. Everyone, including myself, seemed truly happy this year and that was nice.