Friday, February 26, 2010

Madison Turns 12, Twilight-Style

Madison's birthday is December 9, but to capitalize on the Twilight phenomenon, we celebrated it November 21, 2009, which just so coincidentally happened to be opening night for New Moon.

We loaded up six girls clad in all the Twilight gear they could fit and headed to the premiere with the Twilight soundtrack rocking the whole way. Once we got there, we waited in line nearly an hour before we could enter the theater. We loaded up on lots of popcorn, pop, and candy because we were seeing the 11pm showing and knew we would need the sugar to stay up all night after.

The movie was awesome! We jammed the whole way home to the New Moon soundtrack. When we arrived home it was 130am, and we found this scrumptious meal waiting...wild mushroom ravioli (minus the wild mushrooms), garlic bread sticks, and coca-cola. Shout out to Daddy, much props for preparing the Edward and Bella first date dinner.

Next, the girls bobbed for apples in ice cold water. Apples because it is on the cover of Twilight and ice because the vampires are called 'the cold ones,' duh!

Shout out to Ma for baking the cupcakes iced in pink, just as Alice had a pink cake for Bella's birthday. However, these ones oozed red as if a vampire had taken a bite out of them. Delish!

Next in line was the kissing game. We put bright red icing gel on the girls lips, covered their eyes, spun them around and sent them in search of planting a kiss on Jacob. Whoever was the closest, won a prize. Madison was the closest, which leads me to wonder if she has had practice at this. She did it like it was her job. This, however, is a picture of her friend Miranda trying to plant one on Jacob. She came pretty close.

We opened presents and the party for the Pickle Princess wouldn't be complete without a pickle-shaped birthday card. Actually she got two of the same, what can we say??? Her friends know what she likes.

She got a Jacob puzzle, New Moon board game, Twilight bracelet, Volturi perfume, Twilight Band-Aids, New Moon soundtrack, New Moon jewelry box, Jabob poster, Jacob T-shirt, and some loot too.

The girls opened the game ASAP and began to play.

After a LOOOONG night, the girls woke up and we headed to BK for their New Moon combo meals. We sent them home with popcorn pails filled with Twilight Sweethearts, New Moon Sky candy bars, and a $5 New Moon gift card to BK (which most of them spent that morning, or should I say afternoon.
This was before game time with their vampire dentures and their treat bags. Needless to say, the girls were all pretty sluggish that game!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

What a fun party! I loved all the personal touches and creative games. Shaggi (and I) would've loved to come!

Look who's mom of the year now!