Monday, November 12, 2007

Bragging about the Brats!

Well, the first semester is over. I was suppose to have a 2 hours a day to read, to exercise, to bathe, to do my hair, to watch my soaps. I have read nothing but school newsletters. I have exercised walking back to the car after Jack forgot his lunch--twice! I barely bathe. I cut my hair with kitchen scissors last week. And I have no idea what Nick and Sharon are doing, or if they are even alive for that matter.

Madison got straight A's. No minuses. She was the only child to accomplish this in her class. We are so very proud of her. I knew she would do it, I just didn't realize how soon or that she would be the only one to achieve this in her class. This reassures me about making the decision to move her up a grade. She has always known she was ready for more, I just didn't want to let go. But it looks like I saved myself almost $4000 (one year of tuition). Because of this accomplishment, Madison also gets her name in a drawing to win two Cleveland Cavalier tickets to a game! Go Cavs!

Jackson also got all plusses and one check. The check was in Spanish and his teacher told me that all the children got checks in Spanish because it is brand new to all of them and how couldn't they have room for improvement. He was adorable at his conference. He pretended to be working diligently on the computer, but Mrs. Grulke and I would catch him peeking at us and listening. Mrs. Grulke also said that Jackson is a little Romeo. On the first day, he was "petting" Erin's hair and cheeks. Mrs. Grulke said she couldn't tell him to leave his hands to himself because he was being so sweet. So, instead she called over the assistant and the preschool teacher from next door to watch. She said they picture him laying down his jacket for Erin to walk over puddles. I told her this was of no surprise to us because all we hear about is Erin, Erin, Erin. She is a cutie, though. Jackson has also just learned to tie our shoes too. I asked if he was going to show Mrs. Grulke and he said yes. Then he said, "Mommy, can you buy me shoes with strings so I can learn to tie my own." I told him of course.

Baby is still in school and hasn't been kicked out yet. All the teachers think he's adorable with his crazy hair. He hides his face with his hands whenever they bring out the camera. What a faker. He is the biggest ham in the world. He too has a girlfriend, Bayleigh, who he lovingly refers to as Billy. Although, I think he just likes Billy because her dad is a fireman.

Big Charlie just passed his grill at work and applied for Assistant Manager at the Tallmadge Avenue store. He got the position and is very excited. I'm excited because he's close to Longhorn now for lunches with the wifey! HOO HOO BOBBY!


Shannon said...

I told you my lil' Barry would be a heart breaker! And it doesn't surprise me that Mad is doing so well either. She's been the brightest child I've ever met since the day she was born! And nice to boot ( : Tell her I'm very proud of her. You've earned bragging rights when your kids are doing that well!

lgl1607 said...

I finally got on you and shannons blog today by using the address bar and not the google search site .. I thought it was my computer but wouldnt you know it, Grandma finally got me straightened out. What would we do without mothers' huh? very nice site and children but im just about all typed out (one finger at a time and this is my third or fourth message today) Bye all, Talk later. Love you all!!!!!

lgl1607 said...

Iguess now you can retire to Housewife and eat at Longhorn for lunch. am I invited too now. And by the way ask madison how to spell couch. That looks like somethoing you sit on. She left a paper here last weekend with a complete drawing of a human skeleton withall bones named and numbered. This morning news asked how many bones in the human body and I had been looking at her drawing of and on allweek onthe kitchen table, and I got the answer right. 206. You learn something new everyday. It took her all of 15 minutes to draw, label, and number the bones in this diagram. I think she may be the Doctor of the family!!