Thursday, March 27, 2008

This is Getting Wii-diculous

Soooo. We got the Wii for the kids for Christmas with a bunch of games. They love it. Baby is Wii-dicted.

The first thing he says in the morning, "Mommy, can I be first on the wii?"

The first thing he says before school, "Mommy, but is there time for me to play the wii before we leave?"

The first thing before getting out of the car for school, "Mommy, when I come home can I be the first to play the wii?"

When I pick him up on our car ride home, "Mommy, tell Jack you said I could play the wii first! No, Jaaaaaaack! Mommy said I could."

The first thing after dinner, "Can I play the wii? Why not? I haven't played all day. Everyone else got to plaaaaaaay!"

He has a one tract mind. It is literally all he thinks about. In February, he even missed a couple days of school before I caught on. He kept saying his tummy hurt right before school, so I didn't want to send him and have him not feel well. The day I caught on and made him go, he through a fit. We were 10 minutes late to school because he refused to get out of the car. He just kept crying, "But I wanna pway da wiiiiiii." I took him in and told his teacher why he was crying and that he missed school to play the video games. I was expecting her to say how important school was, instead wii got, "I wish I could stay home to play the wii too. Do you have that bowling game, Charlie?" Thanks for the help, Teach.


Shannon said...

Baby looks strung out on Wii in that picture. I can't believe he's been lying, skipping school and fighting with his family, all in the name of Wii. I'd toss that Wii in a New York minute!

LARRY said...