Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Blog for Shannon

Merry Christmas!

This year was quite enjoyable and not a tear was shed...by me anyway. I can't say the same for Madison. She must have caught the crybaby blues from me.

We gave the kids 2 pair of jammies on Christmas Eve, which is a tradition we stole from Shannon years ago. The kids loved theres.

Charlie and I started a new tradition. We decided to exchange a gift with each other after all the kids were in bed and all the wrapping was done. It was very nice, and kind of romantic in a way. I hope to continue that in years to come. Sometimes with all the kids' excitement, we forget to take a minute to enjoy sharing with each other too, like before the kids were in the picture.

Went to mom's and ate and opened presents. Oh, and I also had to work. It wasn't so bad. It's actually nice when Charlie is home to watch the kids. I don't feel the normal need to rush and get out of there. Later we went to Mike and Brandi's and exchanged gifts with their kids. That was also nice. The kids love playing with Tyler because he has so many new and different toys. They adore Jayden too, but Jayden isn't much of a player yet. After that we went back to mom's for a little, gathered up the loot and scadaddled.

I can't wait to take down the tree and decorations and start making some resolutions for the new year. I've tried to put off doing so this year until after Christmas...and I like that. I am a master procrastinator anyway normally, so waiting wasn't so hard. I did make a few mental notes here and there.

We all got wonderful gifts and feel we gave wonderful gifts. Everyone, including myself, seemed truly happy this year and that was nice.


Shannon said...

First, let me say: 'Thank you for posting again". It's the only time I get to see pics of the family- and you know how much I love pitures ( :

I also love the new tradition you started with Charlie! It's so important, like you said, to make time for JUST the two of you and nurture your relationship. That priority can tend to get lost in the craziness of parenthood.

I missed being at mom's and playing scrabble and LCR. I also wish I could've tried the ham ( :

Love You. . .

lgl1607 said...

I'm gonna have to bring the new camera you girls and fams got me for Christmas to Madisons basketball game this Saturday and get some pics of her and bros to put on computer. I tried to scan more on today with much trouble and I believe it will work well with camera buuuuuttttt I need to take the pics first...Love you all and Thank You very much for my gift!!!