Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dinner and a Bee Movie

The kids are in bed after a busy, but very funny evening.

We went to Bakers Square for dinner, all of our favorite restaurant. I had grilled cheese and tomato soup. They changed the soup, but it was great! It had huge chunks of roasted tomatoes and tons of basil. Mmmm! A perfect match for the chill in the air tonight.

After dinner, we went to check out Bee Movie. The boys won the vote. Madison and I wanted to see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. She thinks it looks cute, I think Jason Bateman looks cute! I must admit, the boys picked a winner. The movie was very cute, funny, and unusually clever for an animated film. The boys fell asleep in the car on the way home, but managed to stay up for the whole movie. That's how we know it got two thumbs up from the Jackson & Baby critique.

Yesterday we spent the evening at the kids' Harvest Festival at the Natatorium's hall. It was fun just like last year. It is an annual event to raise money for a new gymnasium. They have met their million dollar goal and will begin tearing down the old gym soon. It's sad because I have a lot of memories in that gym as a child...pep rallies, cheerleading tryouts, basketball, talent show, spelling bees, gym, waiting endlessly for my mom to pick us up after school~lol! But they really do need a bigger gym so we can host other teams and stop having to travel so much to other locations for meets and games.

Anyways, there was good food, smores for dessert, a dj for dancing and games. The kids had a wild time. Jack hit the floor once he heard the chicken dance come on. They hid a scarecrow and had the kids find it. Baby won! You should have seen his face. He was in total disbelief. He naturally has a pessimistic view on life and competition (like father, like son), so it was hilarious. The dj loved him and his hair. The boys wore suits because Charlie had his on from work, so when the dj called his name he said, "The winner is a little man named Charlie Hughes, and wouldn't you know it, he won best dressed too."

I love it that everyone knows the kids and even Charlie. Ahhh, the benefits of a small, private school.

There were also about 50 baskets to bid on through silent auction. We won a couple of them. One was a sled that Jackson and two friends from his class painted and colored a winter scene on. The other was a basket of coloring books and crayons that Baby couldn't take his eyes off. We had to rebid a couple times on that one, but it proved to be a good purchase. Not only did the money go to a good cause, but the kids played with its contents all evening once we returned home.

I also am very excited at my latest undertaking. I have been very unhappy at work lately and feel like I'm missing out on so much of my kids' lives. Everyday passes so quickly. Too quickly. And here I am working like a dog to pay bills. When one sits back and looks how crazy this life is and thinks about why we do what we do, it is amazing, and appalling at the same time. Anyway, so I heard that Mr. Jones needed a coach to lead the fifth grade girls basketball team. I volunteered to do it and couldn't be happier about the decision. Where will I find the time??? Who cares, I will make the time. This is something that I really want to do. I love basketball. I love teaching children. Madison will be on the team, so this will be quality time spent just with her, no boys. Charlie has offered to help as much as he can, which is welcomed and appreciated. I just think it will be really fun and challenging and meaningful. I'm on the endless quest for meaning and every once in a while it slaps me in the face. Wish me luck...and patience...and most importantly, babysitters for the boys!

Off to bed, though, with a racing mind!


Shannon said...

Seriously~ you will be a great coach! You've always liked basketball and you're very good with kids. I wasn't sure what you were going to say as I kept reading. . . and I would've never guessed it either, but I think it's very cool. I'll have to keep up on this story as it develops ( :

On another note, glad to see you had time to post today. You like to tell me that you'd like to hear more about me when I post, but I'd like you to post more often!!! That's how this blog thing works ( :

I think we might go to see the Bee Movie tomorrow with Todd's parents. I'm glad you said your kids liked it. That means mine probably will, too.

Anything else going on in your life that you'd like to surprise me with?

lgl1607 said...

Ididnt even hear that you were going to couch the girls basketball team or that you went to the fall festival in the old gym and I live right here in Akron. What country was it that you moved to or do you really not have that much time????? I quess you'll have to retire to Homemaker only like shannon...

lgl1607 said...

Its black Friday morn and I hope you feel better and had a great Thanksgiving!!! Like I said, I'm kinda slow but it came to me yesterday. I still have some brain cells left...I'm thankfull for that among many other things!!!! Coach is spelled with an (A) not (U)...Duh