Saturday, April 5, 2008

Take Me out to the Ballpark

Today was Madison's first official baseball practice.

The weather was beautiful. Sunny and warm.

There were 4 other kids from last year and ANOTHER GIRL from two years ago...YEAH!!! She won't be the only girl on the team.

She told the coach she was interested in playing second again and maybe taking a shot at pitching, which was a surprise to me, but I think she'll do well at it.

The boys start practice next week. Charlie is going to coach their T-ball team. Baby gets to play even though he's still too young. The commissioner of the league asked if he wanted to at sign ups and said he'd let it slide. That is great, cuz he's getting tired of just watching the older too play.

We're excited for the new season, though. It's always fun.

Wou Wascly Wabbit

Tonight I think I turned Madison into a Vegan or a Hunter.

We went down to Applecreek, OH to visit Charlie's brother, Rick, and wife, Leah who were in from Washington, D.C. They offered us rabbit disguised as BBQ chicken, but we could tell by their faces something was seriously wrong with the picture. Finally they admitted it was RABBIT.

So, as Mother of the Year, it became my mission to trick Madison into trying it. She was leary because everyone else was so concerned and involved in her trying this chicken. So I pull out what looks like a wing cuz she likes Papaw Dave's wings. She tries to bite into it but it's pretty tough. I'm still wondering why a rabbit has what looks like a wing. As Baby would say, "WEIRD."

So, I then give her the breast and take some off the bone. She eats it looking to see what she has just done. I ask if she likes, she nods kind of. I ask if she wants me to tell her what it really is or not. She says no. So I oblige. She looks worried so I say, "Would you feel better if I try some?" She shakes yes without hesitation. Misery loves Company.

I taste it. It tastes like chicken. However, I couldn't stop thinking that "THIS IS NOT CHICKEN YOU IDIOT EVEN IF IT TASTES LIKE IT THIS IS THUMPER."

I ask her again if she wants to know. She does. I tell her. And she looks at me like I was some kind of a damn fool.

In the end, I think she liked that she tried something different.

We all did tonight. Not only did I try Wabbit, but I also tried the hottest horseradish ever on a chunk of swiss cheese. Talk about clearing the sinuses. It's weird cuz my eyes watered and my throat closed like I was gonna cough to death, but instead it almost immediately simmered down to a hmmmm...that's weird-taste.

Baby also tried and loved clam dip. We told him it was ranch. What can I say??? We are a bunch of liars and he is rivaling his aunt Shannon for the Condiment King position in the Fam. He's like Mikey, he'll try anything with a little dip.

Dog Tired

What dog breed are you? I'm a Border Collie! Find out at

Wow, You're a Border Collie!

Border Collie
The Achiever

You've heard about this "second-place ribbon" thing, but really don’t ever plan on getting one. Not a chance. Highly competitive, you keep one eye on the Best in Show prize and one on the rest of the pack, making sure you're always at least one paw ahead. You love your family and enjoy the company you keep, but you'd trade all of them in a heartbeat for a corner office and some meaty stock options. When you're not licking your professional coat, naked skydiving and triathlons keep you entertained. You idolize the top dog and will do so until you sniff out a way to take over the company and do a little "restructuring." Learn more »

FAMOUS BORDER COLLIES: Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart, Barbara Walters

LIKELY PROFESSIONS: CEO, Banker, Manager, Astronaut