Saturday, April 5, 2008

Take Me out to the Ballpark

Today was Madison's first official baseball practice.

The weather was beautiful. Sunny and warm.

There were 4 other kids from last year and ANOTHER GIRL from two years ago...YEAH!!! She won't be the only girl on the team.

She told the coach she was interested in playing second again and maybe taking a shot at pitching, which was a surprise to me, but I think she'll do well at it.

The boys start practice next week. Charlie is going to coach their T-ball team. Baby gets to play even though he's still too young. The commissioner of the league asked if he wanted to at sign ups and said he'd let it slide. That is great, cuz he's getting tired of just watching the older too play.

We're excited for the new season, though. It's always fun.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Will the kids be playing when we come home? I'd love to hang out and watch a game. Madison will definitely be good as a pitcher. That girl is just like her mother- she excels at anything she sets her sights on. It's also great that Charlie will be coaching a team. You guys are becoming the coach family!