Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Soccer is Underway

We started soccer in late August and it ends the third week of October. The kids play one hour games non-competively (if that exists), really they just don't keep score. All the kids love it. Jackson is definitely our goalie, jumping and diving for the ball every chance he gets. He has also scored three goals, two in his first game and one last week. Baby made a great assist last week for Jack's scoring goal. Little Charlie also just missed his own goal, hitting the post and bouncing out. I think before the season is over, he will definitely SCORE!

Both the boys do great offensively and defensively. They are so lucky to be on the same team, and for once...they share! Madison also does great at soccer. She's constantly got her eye on the ball, heading it off at every turn. She is getting a little more aggressive, which I love. She made her first attempt at scoring last week as well. It was deflected by another players shin guard. She is great at dribbling the ball and is the only child on her team to win the Silver Shoe Award. She had to dribble the ball starting from the ground to her foot and knee at least five times.
Speaking of awards, this past week I was awarded "Mother of the Year!" It was our day to do snack for the boys' team...and I forgot! Next week it's Jackson's turn, let's hope I remember. Maybe I'll pull a Shannon and pull gourmet finger sandwiches and sun tea right out of my ask
me no more questions.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

What beautiful blessings those babies are ( :

Tell them their Auntie Shannon will take care of their snack night at soccer the next time she's in town!(he-he-he)