Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bowling for Columbine, I mean, Weaver

Charlie's been bowling for a while now on his league. He sucks. No, it's not mean to say that. He really does.

When he goes the kids talk about wanting to go to. So we've taken them twice now. Once was to a local alley with warped boards and balls with big chunks out of them. It reeked of smoke even though smoking in public has been out for over a year. But, it was a buck a game so we bowled. We had to keep manually resetting after each bowl and manually typing in the score.

The next time we decided to splurge and go to Stonehedge. It ended up being cheaper because Charlie's in the league and the guy didn't make us rent shoes. AND, the lanes kept score and reset all on their own. It was wonderful.

The kids loved it at both places.

Jackson does pretty good. We used the bumpers but he always scored best out of the kids and even came close to beating me.

Madison is hilarious because we all know she is very competitive and likes to do the best at EVERYTHING. We kept joking with her that we finally found what WASN'T her sport. She still did well, but couldn't beat little brother.

Baby has no idea if he wins or not. He runs up, drops the ball, and takes off for the cup of pop so no one else can get a sip. He never waits or asks what he got.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Baby is so stinking cute! But, Jackson will always be my 'Barry' ( : BTW, the title of your post is so mean- lol! Poor Charlie. He ought to have his name legally changed to that.