Friday, March 21, 2008

I got to Josiah-sit, nah nah nah na boo-boo

Jessica let me babysit Josiah the other night for four hours while she went to Bingo with mom.

The little booger is adorable. He is so good natured and chill. He just ate and stared. Ate and stared. Oh and pooped up a storm.

He loves the ceiling fan, and we love him loving the ceiling fan. He just stares and stares at it. We laid a blankie on the floor with him on it and he was talking to us. Baby said, "Did he just say what I think he said." I said, "What?" Baby said, "Goo-Goo." (Baby in this excerpt refers to Lil Charlie, of course.)

We had a wonderful time and can't wait to do it again.


Shannon said...

Oh My Goodness, Becki! He looks so much like Jessa!!! I remember when she was born and how stinkin' cute she was as a baby. He is SO cute! I can't wait to come home and meet him. . . we'll see what baby sitter he likes more, then! Nah nah nah na boo- boo to you!

peterson said...

I think he likes me best, I had him smiling, sitting up, talking, he almost took a first step!

Jonahsaurus said...

yes, peterson, and you also almost paralyzed him. please support the neck and never, never shake a baby.

peterson said...

are you kidding me I am the bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he was really ready to dance a jig , but he got embarrassed.